Okey dokey. Well we started our day out at 5:00 AM. We were going to try a flight from CVG to Minneapolis St Paul to San Fran. We arrive at the gate and the bad things start happening. The flight is delayed due to the monsoon outside AND the "deafening noise inside the aircraft" as the gate agent described the reasons to our delay.
After figuring out our problems we boarded our plane and headed towards MSP. Well that's what we thought. After about 2 hours of flying we all thought we were beginning our descent into the MSP area. WRONG. The older man flight attendant informed us that the navigation of the plane had failed and that we would be doing an emergency landing in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (aka Corn Field Heaven). The pilots had to land us there because they needed someplace flat and cloudless. But the thing is that Cedar Rapids is about 4 hours from MSP. BOO.
We were greeted on the runway with huge firetrucks with lights a blarin'. Pretty intense. We all deboarded the plane and waited. Then MIchael and I decided to be proactive. My Dad agreed from Cincy. We decided to rent a car. I asked a couple waiting with us if they were interested in riding. They took us up on the offer and they actually ended up renting the car. And we were off to MSP. This couple was awesome, fun, and totally not awkward. We chatted the whole way and now I have a new facebook friend from it!! I love that they rode with us, what a blessing.
When we arrived in MSP around 1:30 I had to get my ticket fixed because I was not listed on the flight, for some reason Michael was, I however was not. BOO. The line was LONG. After finally getting listed I had sent Michael ahead through security so I waited in the mile long security line on my own. OH gosh, it was 2:15 and I was finally getting through security for my 2:30 flight. Michael texted me and told me that I got a seat on the plane and to RUN!
I ran and I ran hard with my big purse and backpack in tow (need I mention I had to chug my nalgene full of water in the security line because I forgot about it in my backpack!). I pushed past people in the terminal. I heard "this is the final boarding call for flight xxxx to San Francisco, all customers must be on the flight now". SHOOOOT. I sprinted harder, running down the moving sidewalk, which is interesting when you have to exit the moving sidewalk, you almost break you legs! But I made it in time, sweaty, tired, and dry mouthed. But of course my bladder HAD to be full the first 1 1/2 -2 hours of the flight form the chugging of the nalgene and the pilots were requiring everyone to remain in their seats due to the turbulence.
After all of that craziness our day went pretty smoothly. The lady I sat next to on the flight was awesome and we chatted a good portion of the flight. Then once we arrived in San Fran a nice couple helped us get to the BART and to the correct stop for us. And now we are laying in our super baller hotel room, 17th floor?! Heck yes!! We had dinner at a pub across the street and now i'm struggling to stay awake. So for now I will say so long...pictures to come later when I have the energy to post it.
PS. I made my goal for the 5k last night. I wanted to run under 25 minutes, my chip time was 24:40! yay me!!
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