A holiday that allows you to consume mass amounts of candy without feeling guilty...well errr.... as guilty?!
Today I met up with Adrielle and her family to go trick-or-treating. (we don't get any trick-or-treaters in our area, which is unfortunate cause I think it would be so fun/cute to see all the little ones dressed up, but hey I guess we saved money on candy?!) Adrielle was dressed up like batman/woman?! haha not sure! We walked around her neighborhood area and tried to find houses participating in the Halloween festivities. Surprisingly many houses were not! After a few streets, and a nice bag full of candy (yes, I conned some off of Adrielle, although I got mistaken for one of her 16 year old sister's friends, so I probably could have gone trick or treating!) we headed down to the park behind Adrielle's house. Southland was putting on a trunk-or-treat for the kids in the area with games, bounce house, and TONs of candy. They just kept pulling it out, bags upon bags. They also gave the kids things like 24 packs of crayons, coloring books, school supplies, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, apples, and they even had a snow cone machine despite the frigid (to me) temps. The kids still consumed all of the ice though and dunked their faces in the chilly water to bob for apples! Impressive, although there was a good amount of teeth chattering going on.
By around 7:45 I was freezing and ready to go home. Luckily Adrielle and her family were too!! And there's my Halloween!
Oh and I just realized something ironic about my day. Got my teeth cleaned for the first time since I got married and then immediately consumed all this Halloween candy...sweet, that was a semi-waste!! Although, no cavities as of yet!
Hope your Halloween was fun, spooky, and sugar filled too!!
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