
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Goals

Considering it is already the 4th day of the year I suppose I should get to writing down my goals for 2012. Because you know, you all hold me accountable!

I've been trying to think of multiple goals for 2012 but I keep coming back to 2 in particular.

The first:
I want to challenge myself to cook from a recipe/something new at least once a week -- Michael and I have gotten in a easy-to-prepare or eat-out rut and I want that to change! Also, I'm sure it's a lot healthier to cook from home! With all the blogs I read and recipes I see I shouldn't have a problem finding things to make! When Michael and I first got married I was Sooooo into cooking and trying things and being wifey and whatever. Well, that's tiring. So maybe 1 day a week for something fresh and new will be a good challenge for me.

I haven't made a new recipe yet this week since Michael has been out of town yesterday and today and we haven't been to the grocery. So, I'm aiming for Friday or Saturday. However, this working until 6 not getting home until 6:30-6:45 and then needing to workout. Then being exhausted thing (hey, it's financial institution auditing busy season!) kinda makes it hard to get to the grocery. But I can make it happen! No excuses! Oh and with that new recipe challenge i'd also like to incorporate more meal planning (I did a whole month in October 2010, and it was great, I knew what to buy at the grocery and what I needed to make every night!)

Some recipes I'd LOVE to try:
Easy Vegetable Korma

Stuffed Zucchini Boats:

Homemade cinnamon rolls:

Cold Noodle Chicken Satay:

The second Goal:
I am signed up for the Derby mini marathon (13.1 miles) the last weekend in April. The weather is cold, therefore obviously I HATE being outside because you all know how much I despise being cold. WELL I need to set a goal for this race. This girl is gonna attempt a PR (personal record). My goal is sub 1:50.  That is an average of an 8 min 23 second per mile pace. That is attainable. Yes, working 55+ hours a week and every Saturday until April will be tough and tiring BUT i will do my best! How can I attain this? PUSH MYSELF HARD!

A third that just popped in my mind:
Read -- I LOVE reading. However, when the hubs is home we spend our time in the evenings after hectic days chilling and probably watchin' Netflix. I need to read. I love it. When I was little my fav thing was to go to the Library and check out the max amount of books. You know what the problem is? Everyone keeps making these books I want to read into a movie before I get a chance to read them. UM hello Hollywood, slow it down so I can enjoy the book first instead of confusing myself with the movie and then being totally baffled when I read the book.


*NOTE TO FRIENDS -- for those of you who are super awesome and bought books and are done reading them I'd LOVE for you to pass them my way because name is Ashley...I'm an accountant....and a penny pincher (strange combo right, *sarcarm*). I am currently reading/own the first Hunger Games, however, I do not have any others in the series. Also, I will be working on Wicked after the Hunger Games!

OH the ideas are flowin' now - gosh I hope i'm not setting too lofty of goals for myself. I thought of something else -- #4 -- Husband time. -- Goal 2 REAL date nights a month. Where we plan an activity and it doesn't involve crashing on our couch and spacing out (I am not excluding movie theaters though, classic date) But I would L-O-V-E for us to take turns planning dates! Sounds fun?! Maybe I should discuss this with Mr. Michael. But I think he'll be down!

Goal #5 - Choose Optimism
I know this may be hard for me with Busy season (now - March), match day (March 15), Moving to a new city (date to be determined), Michael moving to a city without me for a bit (possibility), Making new friends, finding a new church, being away from family, being away from friends, etc. BUT I will choose Optimism. As Shirley Mann (my Sunday School teacher and an amazing 3rd/4th grade teacher (who had a school named after) also said, "Choose Joy". And that I will try!

Well there ya have it. 5 goals for 2012. What do you think!? Can I do it?! What are your goals?! Suggestions for books, recipes, how to be an awesome runner without even trying?! Anyone want to buy me treadmill?! oh ok....well I didn't think it'd hurt to ask! :)

Goodnight friends!

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