
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cozy Town -- America

Greetings from New Harmony, Indiana, population 789! I will be residing in this quaint, precious town for the week because of work!

Today started out very early with a 5 am wake up call and an 1 hour and 30 minute RAINY and dreary drive to Louisville to meet a coworker. And then the sun came out for our 2 hour 45 min. drive to Illinois!! Since we are now in central time we arrived to work at around 9:30ish so we had a full day of work!

This evening after work (which is actually in Illinois, 20 min. away) my coworker and I headed to dinner in this tiny town. We went to the yellow ____ (right now I can't remember, was it lantern? bar? i dont know) and had dinner .We were the ONLY patrons in the restaurant/bar.

After dinner I ran my bags upstairs and hopped into some workout clothes. It was time to explore PLUS the temp is AWESOME outside...right?!

This is what I saw through my eyes on my amazing walk:

A putting green on the hotel property
A park with a fountain...

 A house that I would love to live in...
 Our hotel...with what appears to be a greenhouse, but wait, you have been deceived! It's the pool and hot tub!
 A colorful Bridge on the property
 A pretty old luthern church in town with awesome red doors
 many large old trees with many stories to tell...
 Another odd thing on the hotel property...a very large wooden chair by the pond...
 My cozy comfy room, ain't it great?!
Not pictured but on hotel property:

-Tire swing
-Rope swing with plank seat
- huge waterfall of stone into lake
-Large checker and chess pieces
- A cage with either doves or homing pigeons in it
-A trail around the lake
- Beautiful landscaping
-Creepy basement workout area with energy efficient lights that recognize you being in the room

Hope you enjoyed my picture post. Now this sleepy girl needs to hit the hay!

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