
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thoughtless Thursday?!

Is anyone else tired of this weather?! Dreary. Misty. Cold. Grey.  Blanket on the couch kinda weather. Winter Coat weather. Lazy weather. Missing that good ol' sunshine that gives me energy. Motivation. Mr. Weather, you played a mean trick on us, 70 degree day and then take us back to 30 and 40 degree days? Not cool.

I am having a hard time determining what to write about today. I studied for a test. Ate lunch by myself. Probably failed a test. Worked on a group project. Ate dinner by myself. Played around on the internet. My dogs even think I'm boring, one is snoozing in his cage out of his own free will and the others snoring in a bean bag chair. Yeah, that's blog worthy....NOT!

One thing I will mention is that I am even more sore from my swimming escapades yesterday. Yes, I realized my arms would be sore, but my BEHIND is VERY sore. Crazy right?! I guess I use my glutes to swim, did not realize that! :) Speaking of exercising, tomorrow I am supposed to run 10 miles with Miss Becca, uhhh, ten miles?! The weather channel is telling me it will be a balmy 33 degrees when we meet to run tomorrow. GREAT! BLAH. But the half marathon is quickly approaching. Actually it's in less than a month now, I suppose. WELL SHOOOOO

Well I guess I won't even try and struggle for something to write about. I mean, you can't expect a great blog every day. It's hard to think of things to write EVERY DAY.

So this is where I will take your suggestions. Any topics you'd like for me to discuss? Any questions that I can answer in the blog?! OHH also, take notice, I have added a new survey AND you can now follow through email, which I'm not really sure how different that is from regular following but I guess it's different, I just know it's a new option! So I hope you all enjoy your Thursday evening! Talk at ya tomorrow!

Some Random Running Quotes:

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"
- Peter Maher, Canadian marathon runner 

"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
-Edward Stanley 

"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."
--John Bingham

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I am no Michael Phelps...butttttt....

Enter scene.

Rainy Wednesday. Cold. Ick.

Ashley Kasten approaches the aquatic center on UK's campus for the first time. Nervous.

It's obvious she is not a swimmer and super obvious that she is not this guy...(Michael Phelps)

But Ashley had made a promise to herself. A promise that she would try swimming as another workout apart from running. She had the gear. Michael got her a Speedo one piece and goggles for Christmas. She just had to work up the confidence to actually do it.

She walks into the center, doesn't want to look like a newbie, but fearing that she does. Will I look stupid in my one piece?! Did I bring the right stuff?!

Well that's where my great friend Annie comes in. Annie has been a friend of mine since highschool.
At a Mae Concert on my birthday freshman year of college
We have done lots of things together. Fun things. Oh did I mention Annie is a swimmer?? A great one at that! She has been swimming forever too!! She even swam in college at Transylvania University in Lexington and now she coaches a team in Lex and teaches begin swim at UK!
Annie was a great friend and said she would swim with me my first time. After her begin swim class. What a great friend!

So I went in the locker room. Changed into my super tight fitting one piece and built up the confidence to walk out to the pool. Annie instructed I could share a lane (old man in my lane, sweet!) and swim away! IT was a fun/tiring experience. I didn't realize how out of shape I was in the actual water. I ran for 40 minutes the day before non-stop and today I would have to stop for air every lap. After Annie's class was over she joined up with me and swam a little bit and chatted a lot. I had a great time with her and I definitely am going to swim again. It is SO relaxing. Calm. Great.

I must say though, it was immediately afterward that my shoulders and arms were sore. But, I don't have much going for me in that department anyway! So if I had to sum it up, I'd say swimming laps was a success and totally not scary!! YAY!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tired Tuesday

So today has been a tiring day for me not too sure exactly why but I am exhausted. I woke up originally at 6 to go workout out and ended up skipping and sleeping an extra hour (I had a Doc appt at 8), after my appointment I headed to work, and then to class and then to the gym. Goodness, my day was not blog-worthy. Well when I got home from the gym sweaty and tired I was greeted by a husband who basically set me up for a little blog, photos and all!!

You see, I hadn't seen Michael since Sunday evening on our meet the team extravaganza. What we didn't realize was that Michael would be on 24 call on his first day of OBGYN labor and delivery. SO that being said, I did not see him, even for a minute on my birthday or at all today until I got home around 7. I was soooo glad to see him AND he had made me dinner AND bought me my favorite flowers, tulips!! Michael made me "Rainbow Salad" and I guess he's been reading blogs because he took pics of the setup and process and finished product. So here's my photo blog of the day, thanks Michael!

And that's about it for today! I hope you all had a lovely Tuesday and get plenty of sleep tonight!

Monday, March 28, 2011

23 is the way to be!

So today was my 23rd birthday. A weird age if I do say so myself. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet, seeing I have only been 23 for a partial day, but I'm sure good things can come out of this age.

Many good things have come out of the past few days. I have been overwhelmed with wonderfulness and feel like a super lucky girl (although studying has been seen very few and far between) Let me talk about a few!

-Well, at bible study, my lovely friend Nicole brought me (and Danielle) a cake for our birthday's which are both on the 28th. um. DELICIOUS cake...take a look!
Yeah there are layers of chocolate cake with a white mousse-ish type substance between. SO good!

- As I mentioned the CATS are going to the Final Four to play UConn, it has been a crazy wild time on UK's campus, so many emotions and excitement! This is some of the madness that ensued after we won on a street near campus, notice there is a couch burning in the middle of the street!
This picture was taken by my friend Elyse today. Apparently there had been an impromptu decision to make a pair of Jorts in the middle of the streets, these are the legs that remain
(in reference to the Jorts, Click Here to further understand what "Jorts" mean to a Kentucky fan.

- Michael and I also met and greeted the team as they arrived from Newark (as I briefly mentioned yesterday evening)
- I found out a passed section number 2 of the CPA exam --- WOAAHHHHH I'm halfway there ...WOOOAHHHHH.  (although finding out this info is good, it has made me lazy, which is bad)

-My parents came down to Lex for the day to take me out to lunch at Cheapside and then we went to Orange Leaf (the parentals had never been to Orange Leaf before, I believe they enjoyed it). I made my new FAV combo at Orange Leaf, a little blueberry, a little strawberry, and a little coconut yogurt and then for the toppings some granola, white chocolate chips, and real strawberries. It was delish!! My parents ended up staying until after I got out of class so I ended up going to dinner with them at the Chop House. Poor Michael was on call on his first OB shift, so he missed all the bday celebrations (and free food)

Dad and Lisa

Lisa and her mom Jean

Me and my brother Ry Ry (aka Ryan)

Liz (Ryan's girlfriend, who sadly was feeling a little sick), Ryan, and Me

A Kentucky Hotbrown that four of the six people eating with us ordered. Everyone said it was delicious. I got a salad cause I've been eating like crap recently. What many of you may not know is that today was the 85th anniversary of the creation of the KY Hot Brown!!
I think that about sums up everything that was out of the ordinary in the past couple of days. Now it is time to get myself back on track, back to the studying, back to the focus. Because apparently somewhere along the way I forgot my productivity pills and need to find them again (obviously not serious about productivity pills). But for now I am off to bed, missing my hubs, who I have not seen all day and will not see until tomorrow around 6ish!! Goodnight readers!

My evening spent waiting outside the LEX airport!

This video pretty much sums up the greatness of the day. UK beat UNC and is now taking a trip to the NCAA final four against UConn (in case you live in a cave and are unaware). Michael, Andrea (michael's sister), Matt (andrea's hubs), and I drove out to the LEX airport around 9:45 to meet the team as they arrived from Newark to help them celebrate their victory. There were thousands of people there with us. And the weather tonight is a toasty 35 degrees feels like 26. We waited and waited and waited and finally around 11:40 the team arrived and madness ensued. It was awesome. I am glad to say that I was there! (more pictures to come tomorrow, it's 1:15 and I am SLEEPY!)

(waiting for video to upload to youtube)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturdays are gooooood!

Yay Saturday!! Mine was pretty awesome, how was yours?! I woke up this morning realizing how awesome yesterday was with the REG section passed, a HUGE UK win, Birthday celebration with friends, and Michael about to have his first entire weekend off for the first time in a while, Saturday was going to be good. And man was I right!

First of all, we woke up when we wanted to. It was wonderful. We were able to hang out with each other and just be. We made mac and cheese and hot dogs for lunch (yes we are four) and watched Community from Thursday. Then I convinced Michael to take the dogs on a walk with me despite the chilly weather. I am really trying to get this whole walk the dog things into our routine. We've been walking them a little over a mile and a half and I think it's good for the dogs and good for us! We have time to chat and catch up and the dogs have time to, know...poo.

After the dog walking we headed over to pick little miss Adrielle up to hang out. I had promised we would go to Orange Leaf to get some froyo! And Adrielle loved it! Plus we saw a handful of people that both of us knew. Today I was adventurous in my froyo selection. You know me and my sweet tooth normally goes for the super sweet options, AKA the Confetti Cake. But I always want to try the fruity options but I let my sweet tooth talk me out of it. WELLLL today I did it. I had fruity froyo. I got a little bit of blueberry and a little bit of pomegranate. Threw on some granola and strawberries and a few white chocolate chips and the combo was golden. I ate the whole thing, without feeling like I was in sugar overload and felt kind of refreshed afterward. Adrielle got the strawberry and cheesecake twist option and she loaded her's up with chocolate and sprinkles (that's my kinda girl!).  Michael had the blueberry froyo with the cheesecake froyo and added some graham crackers and stuff and he enjoyed his creation as well. EVEN better though, a free 10oz of yogurt for my BIRTHDAY...wooo!!!

After we dropped Adrielle off we ran to the grocery and then kind of hung out for a while. Watched some basketball, you know. But then at 6:30ish we headed over to a Masters in Accounting party that our professor was throwing at her house. WOAH, surprise!! The party was a blast, there were about 40 of us there, there was a TON of food, people were enjoying themselves with beer and wine and watching more basketball and playing pool and chatting. We left the party a little after 11 and had a great time. It was nice to bond with my class for once, we haven't really had many opportunities. I was also glad because Michael was able to meet a lot of people in my class that I've been talking about all year, so now he can finally place a name with a face!! You know what the most random part of the night was? At the end Michael was chatting with my professor and her husband and they ended up finding out that they were neighbors when Michael was younger!! RANDOM! They remembered Michael as the little annoying kid that he was, it was hilarious.

Well that's all I've got for now. Tomorrow is another busy day. Maybe I will get around to studying for my next CPA exam soon (I BETTER!) although I am afraid that this semester is going to consume my life and take away from my studying. Anyway, all I can say is GOOOO CATS!!! BEAT UNC TOMORROW!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Oh goodness, after days and days of waiting I have finally found out the results of my first CPA exam. Yes, I took the exam January 6th and am just now finding out on March 25th that I passed the regulation section. BUT I PASSED! Whew. Wanna hear the rollercoaster of emotions that I went through in this process?

So this morning Becca and I met up to do our long run. (it was 8.5 miles, supposed to be 9 but we missed a turn somewhere along the way). When I returned from the COLD 32 degree run (um hello weather why did you decide to get cold out of no where?!) I had text messages from 2 different friends telling me that scores for REG were posted. I asked Becca if I could borrow her iPhone, well I entered my info and apparently my scores weren't posted, I was obviously sad. Well I drove home and tried checking again, still nothing. I even resorted to calling the state board of accountancy if there were any hopes of my scores being posted, which they told me there weren't. I started freaking out, crying, very upset that everyone in my masters class had found out and everyone had passed, which meant if I hadn't found out I probably failed (totally irrational). Michael told me to go shower and warm up. So I did. I showered until the warm water ran out. I had goosebumps the entire shower, these cold long runs really chill me to the bone. Well after my shower I immediately jumped into bed. I was FREEZING. I decided to check my scores one last time. Until I realized, shoot, maybe I don't deserve to pass parts of the CPA exam because I hadn't been entering my info into the website correctly. Silly girl. My scores were posted. AND I had passed. I had to text and call everyone to explain  my screw up. BUT great relief !

O-M-Goodness! UK just beat OSU, my arch nemesis! I CANNOT BELIEVE WE WON! I just called home and Lisa answered the phone screaming such happiness! What a great day!!! Passing the REG section, Margaritas and mexican with my friends for my bday and  UK with a HUGE win!! I don't even have words right now !! SO PROUD TO BE A WILDCAT! More tomororow but I'm exhausted and filled with excitement!! Later readers! GOOOOO CATS!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why you SHOULD be a runner

Hey-lo readers. Sorry for letting you down yesterday and not following through with my post. After class yesterday I had a HORRIBLE headache, then went to work on a group project, and that horrible headache turned into a horrible migraine. Afterward, I picked Michael up from the library, ran through McDonalds and basically went to bed around 9. I did not feel great, but Michael surprised me with a guest or "ghost" post which was super sweet of him. So you all should comment on it to make him feel special!

So now we will get back to my 2 part series. If you didn't read the first part "Why you shouldn't be a runner" there ya go.  Today I'll be discussing the MANY wonderful reasons as to why you SHOULD be a runner! So let's get this party started!

Reasons you SHOULD be a runner

1. The most obvious reason... YOUR HEALTH, SILLY READER!

Who doesn't like taking care of their bodies?! Running is a great cardio activity. Need I say more, I think if I need to explain the health benefits of running then you probably should come out of your cave.

Endorphins are wonderful things aren't they? Wikipedia defines endorphins as, "produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise,[2] excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm,[3][4] and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being. You have just struggled through a terrible run, you are tired, sweaty, thirsty, but almost immediately you get these happy, relieved, awesome feelings flowing through your body. You think, well heck, I could go run some more (even though really you hated the run the entire time). And that is why I run. The Endorphins. The end. 

3. An excuse to carbo-load-
In today's society of dieting, carbs are a major no-no but if you're a runner it is imperative to carb load before a big race or run. Carbs give you that energy you need to BURN during your run. This is a great thing due to my love for anything bready, pasta-y,  carb-y, etc. So if you need an excuse to stuff your face with spaghetti, bagels, etc. start running!

4. Runner Body-

Ok, so yes I realize, all runners do not look like this BUT  we have the ability to make changes to our body through running! Running definitely helps tone your legs and glutes (all those hills!), tighten up your core, and even helps your arms (all that swinging back and forth does do something for them!). Personally, after a break from running, I gain a pound or two because of the muscle mass that I gain once I make running a part of my routine again.

5. Bragging rights- 

I am SURE you've seen the cars around town with 26.2 on them or 13.1. These people are allowed to show off these stickers, you know why, because they worked their butts off to brag about their accomplishment! Yes, it may be slightly annoying, but these bragging rights are a pretty fun thing to have. How many people do you know that have completed a full marathon? or a half marathon? It is definitely a conversation starter and something that not everyone can do. I mean, as soon as Becca and I got back from our marathon we both went out and purchased 26.2 stickers for our cars. We were so proud of ourselves, we wanted others to be aware and proud of our accomplishment too. So even though bragging is normally frowned upon, in the running world this kind of bragging is something to look up to not something to look down upon!

6. Community -
What do I  mean by community?! Well there is a HUGE running community base available to any runner anywhere in the world. Runners understand other runners, we congregate and run together in groups, we blog about our running trials and tribulations, there are tons of running magazines, there are running stores, and many other opportunities for runners to get connected in the running community. So if you're running low on friends, start running! I have met so many great people that I love because of running. People like Anne from Boston, Ben from Berea, and Uncle Ray from Iowa, and many many more. These people I can look to for advice and inspiration when I need it the most. They are the people that always "like" my facebook statuses about running. They are the people that make me feel bad when I haven't ran in a while when I see their facebook statuses about running. The community I have found in running is something I hold dear to me. You know how motorcyclists do the side wave thing to each other when they drive past each other?! Well that mutual understanding exists between runners and that's something wonderful. I love it!

7. Tanning -

  You don't need to go to the tanning bed every day like the Jersey Shore cast if you are a runner. Let that natural sunshine shine all over you as you run outdoors and that naturally occurring tan will show up without you even trying! Ok, yes there may be some awkward sock tanlines, your feet may look awkwardly white in flip flops, but at least you got a free tan on your face, arms, and legs right?!

8. Making use of that HUGE iTunes Library you have-
You have thousands of songs in your iTunes?! When in the world will you listen to all of that music?! Well if you are a runner who runs with your iPod, this will not be an issue. The frequent use of the shuffle option will allow you to fully explore the depths of your music library. I, for one, do not frequently run with an iPod because the arm bands won't stay up on my arms and I don't like carrying it, BUT if I were to run on a treadmill I will listen to my iPod. And that's the time I discover those songs that I've been yearning to hear for a while and it's wonderful.  

9. Directionally challenged?! Well running will help you with this! -
I for one can tell you that I know a lot more about Lexington streets due to my running. When you need to add variety to your run, you are willing to add in a new street here and a new street there. And now I am more able to get around Lexington on my own without a map. Oftentimes I know the streets and their locations better than Michael (he has lived in Lex his whole life) because I have spent so much time running them. If you aren't good at changing your run up try using to map new runs or even use this feature when you are on vacation or working in a different city. 

10. Better math skills!? -
Heck yes. When you are a runner you deal with 5k races, 10k races, etc. and then you have that whole pace calculation thing. Running gets your brain working with those numbers. Ok, this one may be a  stretch, but I do find myself constantly calculating, "well if I run this in XX minutes then it will be a 8:20 pace, but I want an 8:15 pace, so I should run this in XX minutes". 

11. Appreciation to all things helpful like porta-potties, water fountains, and sprinkler systems -
this is a VERY common sight before and after a race. Hey, it's not gross, we are runners, our whole digestive system is working very well because of that, don't hate. All I am saying is that if you are a runner you will develop an appreciation for things that you never thought you would appreciate in that kind of way. There's nothing like a porta-potty during a long run. Or a sprinkler system running in the middle of summer when you have that nasty cotton mouth workin'. Last summer Becca and I stopped in multiple strangers yards to soak our bodies and fill our mouths with sprinkler water, the shear desperation for fluids erases any embarrassment that should ensue from drinking from someone's yard equipment, especially as they stare at your through their house windows.

12.  Running is convenient - 
Hey, in order to play soccer you need your friends, a goal, and a soccer ball and equipment like shin guards, etc. To run, well heck all you need is a pair of tennis shoes and your body. Please don't tell me you can't run today because you forgot your body?! Oh AND you can run basically anywhere? You can run in the city, you can run in the country, you can run on trails, you can run in the snow, you can run on vacation, HECK yes you can.  Yeah, no excuses, it's always right there with you, so get out there and run run run!

13.Stress Relief -
This lady is so stressed that she thinks her laptop is food! I know after a bad day sometimes all I need to cure it is a good ol' jog.  Running also permits plenty of time to think and have that personal time that everyone needs. This one is related to endorphins, but I thought it deserved it's on spot in my list.

14. As gross as it sounds - your digestive tract and bowels will appreciate it!
Need I explain?! I just know that if you're a runner you don't need to buy that Activia stuff or consume nasty gross amount sof fiber. Running provides this to you, FO FREE!

15. Your showers feel THAT much better afterward -
After a long run, you are tired and sweaty and the best reward is a long HOT shower. These showers are the best after a run when you have developed that salt on your skin, kind of that crunchy, gritty feeling. You will appreciate those warm showers as your muscles drink in the warmth!

16. Environmentally friendly (as long as you don't fart too much)

17. you can look cool in your running gear
  Ok so maybe your running clothes don't look like this. I mean, wouldn't this give you a wedgie?! But new running gear is always fun to get and you always feel like a kid with a new outfit on the first day of school when you get a new running top, shorts, or whatever. 

Now readers...don't you see...there are many reasons why you should be a runner and this is in NO way all of them. So will you reconsider running?! I think you should!!  Let me hear those comments!! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Guest Write the Blog (sing to tune of Ghost ride the whip)

Dearest Bean Counter o philes:

Welcome to the latest edition. Ashley has a headache death migraine so she decided to go to the bullpen, calling on the righty to come save the day:

So you have a guest blogger, the one the only Michael Kasten. You've probably heard of me either in real life or on here so I am not going to introduce myself. I'm sad today as it was the last day of my Surgery rotation (Shelf exam tomorrow) and that meant that I had to study all day, rather than do cool things.  Back to the topic at hand, headache:

There are a few etiologies of headache, such as brain tumor, ruptured aneurysm into the subarachnoid space, cluster headache, migraine and tension headache. Brain tumors are bad news and usually don't develop in the course of an afternoon. She doesn't have a brain tumor. Sometimes I think she doesn't have a brain (I kid, I kid). Aneurysmal rupture is referred to as a thunderclap headache (hitting like thunder) and is accompanied by neck stiffness, and is 'the worst headache of your life'. This is a neurological urgency (can be an emergency) and if she had described this, I'd be writing from UK's ER or OR waiting room. So like Goldilox, her headache wasn't slow or fast, it was just right. That leaves tension headaches- at the end of a stressful day, feel better by rubbing temples, and migraine headaches. There are two types of migraine headaches: classic and common. Classic has the aura, where you know it's coming because of some visual changes (usually scotoma) and common has no aura. End result is the same and you just feel like poopy woopy. The common result is photophobia and phonophobia (afraid of light and sound). There are some hypotheses about why you get these, from stretch receptors on the arteries to other things. If you've ever taken Imitrex (not Valtrex; that's for your herpes) you subscribe to this hypothesis. I think Mrs Kasten has a common migraine. She's got a stress trigger and some photophobia.

My prescription:
A good night's sleep.

So there's your PSA for the evening about headaches. If you wake up with one for a few weeks in a row, see a doctor. If a headache hits you like none other, see a doctor now. If you wake up with one just once, you should drink less, or keep a glass of OJ by your bed (you party animal!). For the 99.9999% of other headaches you will have in your life: eat some chocolate or have a coke or something with caffeine, go to a dark room and relax. Stop staring at a computer screen (except for BFABc)

Back to surgery time:

or back to at least reading about it.

But before I do. The title. Ghost ride the whip- Ashley says it's her first memory of me. I was super impressive back in ~November of 07 by doing this while leaving the bowling alley or movies or something. Anyways, hope you feel better my dear.

Here's a video that started it all. (Language)


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why you SHOULDN'T be a runner

So as I was spacing out in my 3 hour and 5 minute long class today, while the weather was all lovely and perfect and nice out  I began to think about a 2 part series I could write about for my blog. And I thought of it, why you SHOULD and why you SHOULDN'T like running/be a runner.

I'm going to start today off with reasons why you SHOULDN'T like running and then end it tomorrow with a positive note. So here it goes.

Reasons you should not be a runner:

1. You are perpetually hungry.
Like all the time. Hungry hungry hippos. munching, crunching, and a snacking fiend. You've eaten a meal and an hour later you are ready for a snack to hold you over until the next snack which will finally get you to your next meal. I wish the consistency of running did not have this affect on me, because I feel like all of the work and effort put into burning those calories is cancelled directly back out by what I consume in the hours afterward!

Oh sure, a nice pair of running shoes is going to run you about $100 oh and you have to replace them every 6 months or 600 miles?! OH and they are gonna start reeking once you begin to develop a love for them!? Sounds like a major waste of money for a pretty pair of tennis shoes right?! Then you can't even where these fancy-shmancy shoes out in public, in fear that others can smell the awfulness that your running has placed in these shoes. This is clearly reason #2 for my recent purchase of new running shoes, not only had I racked up quite a bit of mileage on them but they also had a pleasant stench to them. Let's just say, one day I packed my running clothes in a bag and didn't end up running, well the next day I pull out my shirt packed in the bag with it, and yup, shirt smelled like my shoes. Sweet. NOT!

3. Headaches from Ponytails (ok so this may only be applicable to women or men with fancy long hair)
Ok so I'm not sure if I am the only one that suffers from this ailment. But oftentimes, if my hair is not feelin' a good run, it will make sure I understand that by giving me a headache.  Or sometimes just giving me a weird, pulling, nagging feeling at the top of my forehead. Either option, not so enjoyable. And no, it is not possible to run with your hair down unless:
1. you enjoy eating your hair
2. you like it being stuck to the back of your neck because of sweat
3. you do not like the air flow behind your neck created by the ponytail
4. you have a fear of ponytail holders, in which I suggest an alternative mode of getting your hair out of your face, maybe a hairnet?!

4. Blistered, icky feet
Running does not promote good foot health and will not lead you to a life of foot modeling. Running shoes, different types of socks, and even just plain old running cause nasty things such as blisters and thickness of the skin to develop on the feet, therefore making them not particularly something someone would call pretty princess feet. I know, at times, Michael's feet (which don't run NEAR as often as mine do) are smoother than mine, which is strange, I AM A GIRL FOR PETE'S SAKE!

5. Higher Frequency of Laundry
Help! I've worn all my running clothes and have nothing left to wear!
A person can only own SO many pairs of socks (during the winter you could go through 2 pairs of socks a day, with running and normal wear), running shorts, etc. If you are a runner, a committed runner, you will have a CONSTANT issue with keeping up with your laundry. Unless you are either A) Richie Rich or B) A Duck Tails Characterand can afford to buy tons and tons of running clothes. People like me, in my poor college student situation however cannot. I have 4 pairs of running shorts I really like, 2 that I don't really like but will wear if I have to (they tend to give me wedgies), so in a perfect world, I would have to do laundry on the 4th day of running, now how fun/realistic is that?! NEITHER really!

6. GUILT! 
if you are a runner you will face guilt from yourself every single day that you convince yourself not to run. And oh, how fun are those internal arguments/debates you have with yourself when you are trying to decide whether or not to exercise?! I oftentimes feel crazy. Days that you skip a run that you had planned you begin to feel GUILTY and then you begin to feel LAZY (even though you realize you aren't) and the cycle continues. And that may be one reason people think you are crazy for being a runner.

7. PAIN!
running is a pain sometimes. As soon as you start to feel your body getting into shape, BAM, POW, your body decides it wants to develop shin splints, or hello knee you want to hurt every time I move my leg, you know the drill. Running can be painful. Running is also painful because the second you take it out of your routine it is almost impossible to be in shape again and then you have to start from square one all over again. Do you know how fast it seems to take for me to feel out of shape? Maybe 6-7 days of not running. How long does it take for me to feel in shape again? Maybe a month. IT stinks. So if you're a runner, you must like pain and a strong commitment to this insane thing!

8. Cotton mouth -
NO not the snake silly readers! You don't know what cotton mouth is?! OHHH goodness. Cotton mouth is that extreme uber dry feeling in your mouth, no saliva and no solution! I experienced this problem recently in my 8 mile run. It is not a good feeling. It's like being stuck in a desert and there's no water in sight. Oh you should run with water?! Try carrying water for 8 miles, without your body feeling uneven from the weight of that water bottle. 

9. Often times your running schedule is dictated by the weather. (although I know I few crazies who would be out running no matter the weather)
If you are a runner you must decide, will I be inside or out today. Being an indecisive person like myself it is hard to make judgment calls like this every night before I go to bed when determining my running schedule for the next day, half the time the weather forecast is wrong too. The worst feeling is a planned outside run (no rain in the forecast) but alas you wake up to torrential downpours, who likes moving a run from the outside to a treadmill? I for one do not!

10. People in the world are scary and some cannot be trusted.
OK, right this is true but what does it have to do with running?! Well, a whole lot my friend! When you are out, doing your little job and the homeless guy with the scary beard shouts means words at you, it is frightening. You are already tired from running, will you be too tired to escape?! Or the people that are oblivious to pedestrian runners, oh hey there, you don't need to use the crosswalk, I'll just run over you with my car. OR there's the creepy man driver that feels it is necessary to honk a million times as he drives past (I always look, hoping it is someone I know, 9 out of 10 times it is not!) or whistles or shouts something out his window. Gross people. Please just go about your business in the normal fashion. A person running does not mean that they are there for your entertainment. 

Well there you go readers. That is 10 reasons why you SHOULD NOT be a runner. Feelin' awful negative and pessimistic about this activity now?! Well tune in tomorrow where I will discuss the happy, good, positive things about being a runner. 

Do you have any other disadvantages to being a runner? Do you disagree with me about something (these are all my opinion of course and some of it is supposed to be funny), leave a comment below or let me know if you agree and some of this made you smile!! I hope you enjoyed the post, it's something different for once. I will base how well received it was through the amount of comments I receive! Peace out readers!  


Monday, March 21, 2011

75 degree day and class is not a happy combo!

So today will be one of those posts where I basically just talk about what I did because I don't feel like thinking about what to write.

Well this morning I set my alarm for 8 because I wanted to run before some supposed thunderstorms came into the area around 10. (which actually didn't come all day!) Anyway, the run was pretty good, it was about 60 degrees and I got to try out my new shoes, which were great. I ran 4.15 miles. Unfortunately the inside of my left ankle has been bothering me all day, hopefully it'll just go away.

I tried to study a bit until class started at 2:30 but I had a hard time focusing. Since we just finished spring break it means 2 new classes. I was SO not ready to learn. But my professor felt the opposite and we spent the first day meeting for the ENTIRE class time. I guess that's what happens when you aren't in undergrad anymore. We got out of class just in time for me to sit in rush hour traffic (we got out at 5:20).

I was STARVING after class. Class make me HUNGRY! Even though I ALWAYS bring a snack and munch loudly in class (even though that is definitely one of my pet peeves, loud chewing) So I started dinner as soon as I got home. I was craving cornbread so that was a must have for tonight, oh you know just some Jiffy cornbread, which is the best! I also made barbecue chicken,  chicken flavored rice, and mixed veggies. It was YUMMY!

After dinner Michael asked if I wanted to go outside and kick the soccer ball since the weather was still A-mazing. It was fun being outside with each other and the pups ran big circles chasing each other while we were outside, so it wore them out too!

Well that's about it for today, sorry for the boring post!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring has SPRUNG!

YAY! First day of Spring is perfect in all it's gorgeous-ness here in the bluegrass! I would take a day like this EVERY DAY for the rest of my life. You can drive with the windows down. Be comfortable in shorts, jeans, tennis shoes, or flip flops. You can open up the windows in the house. Bliss.

First off, I must mention, UK's win over WVU! For those of you who do not follow sports, we lost to them last year, so this year we made our revenge (struggled to).

But it was a win and we will be moving on to play Ohio State...boooo... it'll be a tough game but maybe we can do it!

In other news. Today Michael got me my early birthday present!

New running shoes! I have had the same pair of running shoes for about a year now so it was definitely time! These are Brooks which I've never ran in before (I've had Asics and Mizunos) so hopefully they will do! I won't be trying them out today, because something about my 4.8 mile run on the treadmill yesterday really aggravated the outside of my left foot and knee (I'm thinking it may have been the old shoes) so I'm going to give my legs a rest. Even though I'd love to be jogging in this gorgeous weather!

I also got some more school supplies. When you use Becker CPA review, you go through A LOT of highlighters! What's better than new school supplies?!
check it!

It was fun to walk around the HUGE Kroger on Richmond Road with Michael and shop for random things like pens and dog toys. It was nice not having to rush through, and enjoy our time together. I loved it. The end.

Today we also went to visit Michael's Grandma, Mamaw, in the hospital. She was awake and doing a lot better than yesterday. She REALLY scared everyone yesterday, but her surgery went a lot better than expected. Since the surgery was on her bowels, she can't eat for a couple of days, but hopefully her health will improve as the week goes on!
Mamaw and Michael
What I was planning on posting about yesterday evening was our dinner. I copied my friend Holly's blog post and made Frittatas and Rosemary Roasted Potatoes. It was yum-o! The Frittatas had cheese, red peppers, and spinach in them and it was SUPER easy to make! And so were the roasted potatoes. I just cut up the potatoes, rolled them in extra virgin olive oil and tossed in rosemary and some salt and stuck them on a baking sheet in the oven at 400 for about 30 minutes, they were crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, just how I like them! I think it was a success. I ate leftover Frittata for lunch today!
Michael's plate of food
2 random things for today:
1. My current obsession, thank you to the Easter season is jellybeans. I crave them. I buy them. I eat them. We have already eaten a bag of Starburst jellybeans and we tried a new kind this time, Nerds Jellybeans, and they are yummy too, very tangy but chewy in the middle! mmmm!! Love me some sugar!

2. I needed to include this picture somewhere. Michael asked me to get him a blanket when he was laying on the couch. Well my yoga mat is on top of the blankets. So I grabbed it and laid in on him like a blanket. I don't think he was amused. But I was!
Naturally, a yoga mat blanket
Well tomorrow marks my first day of 2 new classes, sadly spring break is coming to an end. I am dreading the combo of class and Becker. And sadly, for those of you that are curious, I still do not know the results of the first 2 CPA exams I've taken. It's getting slightly frustrating, but hey, what can I do?!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their beautiful lazy Sunday full of sun, naps, the NCAA tourny, or hanging out outside!