
Monday, March 14, 2011

Pictures from my Atlanta Trip!

So here are some pictures from my Atlanta trip! I really had a blast!!

*phone update - phone still has not arrived in the mail - hoping for tomorrow!*
Grandpa and Ashley -- about to go hiking on his trail in his backyard
By the entrance to the trail - "Welcome to Welka Woods" (Their last name is Hawelka)
Me and my cousin Neal, we definitely were rockin' the color blue together!
Neal and Grandpa
Grandpa used to have 4 of these deer, each with a grandkids name on it. Well the years have gone by and this is the last season for the deer, there are only 2 left, and they are falling apart sadly! :(
Grandpa's build awesome things like airplanes out of soda cans....awesome!
Grandpa, Ashley, and Grandma! Spent the entire day hangin out with these awesome people! I love them dearly!
Grandma and Grandpa's brick at Centennial Park in Atlanta (The Olympic Park). We looked up the stone and it was listed as "cinnamon" colored, they were wrong. It took us a while to find the BROWN brick but we found it! It reads, "C&H Hawelka 50 years 6-96", which was also when the summer olympics were occurring in ATL!
Uncle Lewie, Heidi, and Me enjoying our PJ day waffle cones in the back of the truck!
Aunt Carin and I in our PJs in front of the McDonough Brusters! This was after the 5k, celebration!
Everyone together. Uncle Lewie, Heidi, Me, Axle, and Aunt Carin. Everyone, even the dogs got free ice cream!
This is where I spent a lot of my time at their house, watching TV and snuggling with my cousin Cory's dog, Axle!
Before the 5k...the dogs and Aunt Carin and Uncle Lewie did the 1 -miler but extended it a lot longer because it was too short and too easy! The weather was perfect as you can tell, perfectly comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt!
Aunt Carin and Uncle Lewie wanted to hang around to see if I won anything. Well after an hour + of waiting I got called for the Female 20-24 age division. PLUS my actual time ended up being 24:58, about 40 seconds faster than I originally thought! Showing off my little leprechaun award!
So there you have it. A tiny little photo journey of my 3 day trip to Atlanta. Fun, very fun, super fun times. Now it is time for me to go to sleep, since Michael has already been asleep for almost an hour now and I'm sure the light from the laptop does not help with the sleeping process! Goodnight friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pics! Each one is worth
    a thousand words!! Aunt Carin
